Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm back!

Good morning, world!

I've been on a hiatus for a bit now, taking time to think and relax. I hope you have all been having a good winter so far. I've learned a few things, like as much as you love something sometimes breaks are a good thing. No I'm not talking about relationship breaks.I'm talking about the kind of break you take from your passions. I took some days off skateboarding and the days and time I came back I felt refreshed, as well as ready to learn new tricks. I don't think I've ever improved so quickly our landed such technical tricks in my whole career ads skateboarder. Sometimes rest and refreshing is the best way to approach the feeling of being blocked from moving ahead in something. If your feeling stuck and like you can't find the steps to move forward, maybe take a step back and breath for a few days or a week. But don't forget to keep that fire close and go back to it when you hit that urge or have found refreshment in your resting period.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Taking time away.

Dear world,
I'm gonna be taking some time away from Blogging and skateboarding. I'm sorry for those of you who enjoyed reading every weekday morning. I'll be back soon enough, just need to take sometime away.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Friday, November 2, 2012

Challenge yourself!

Good morning world!

Fuck thank goodness it's Friday! This week flew by. And now it's finally about to be the weekend. Hope your all excited for relaxation and fun times Fridays tend to bring. Plus snowboard season is almost here!

So I've been thinking about starting a training schedule for the winter. For my Christmas trick list started. Next I'm not sure what to set up on the schedule/plan. There is so much to conquer in the world of skateboarding it's insane. But hey that's why I fucking love it right!

Anyways, I think winters that perfect time to set new goals and conquer them. Especially living in Alberta. What the fuck else do we got besides snowboarding and hockey in the winter!? Nothing really right? Exactly. And this year NHL is in a lockout so let's all get off our asses and do something to benefit ourselves. Take the time to think what you want to grow in. Personal life? Work? Relationships? Whatever it is pick something an when you do. Choose something's to grow and challenge yourself in the subject matter you have chosen. Once you have. For each goal set a date that's realistic and then think hard about what the outcome looks like. Now write it down. For each thing you get done you will see what? When you know that you will feel more motivated to do so. I hope you take the time to challenge yourself and grow this winter with me!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Slept in.

Good morning world!

So I woke up this morning, sent a text and some how passed out for an exact hour. Now I'm on my way to work on the Ice covered roads! Wtf. My hip bloody hurts from bailing last night skating mini. But hope I will make today better! Some how some way.

But hey I got coffee and I'm still alive right. Anyways I will post up the new riot Halloween party video sometime today! Have a good one!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith