Sunday, June 16, 2013

A story of pegasus and little mermaid

Once upon a time there was a blonde blue eyed prince who saw a brunette princess in his dance class. Their paths crossed when it was their turn to dance which quickly made them realizes this will not be the last time they dance together. As they went their separate ways the grew to care for other people but deep down knew those loves weren't forever. One evening as the princess was having dinner her prince appeared out of no where and she knew it was the right time to reconnect with her long lost prince. To her disadvantage he was busy with life but still managed to keep some form of communication. Her heart grew cold of sadness putting up a wall and only allowing her one true prince to come and knock it down. She gave him the opportunity to come to her event to hope there may still be love left but he unfortunately did not show due to the wicked witch of the west cast an evil spell on him. Once he broke free of that evil spell he asked her to join him at a night full of friends and laughter to celebrate the green holiday they call St. Patrick's Day which they quickly realized it will be a night they could never forget. Although the princess was cautious and had doubt of her decision she took a chance and allowed her long lost prince to sweep her off her feet knocking down that wall and they lived happily ever after!

Friday, June 14, 2013


Dear, love
I never meant to betray you or break your heart. I always meant to love you but I was confused the days where we did start. The random dark moments are that of past. I know you can't believe me when all arrows point to lies but the truth is what I've told you. There was no one else. I can't think of anyone but you. You captivate my heart. I will fight no less than forever and always, it's a future I want with you. Kids, a house and a dog. I dream of the day you would walk down the isle as my bride to be. I know that seems hard to see right now. But if I let you know the truth of my past. Maybe I'll be that lucky man and not spend eternity missing you. My heart aches, my stomach turns. I lost all trust and put the walls back up that I once broke down. Give me this one last chance, to give you that in which you deserve. Don't give up. I promises forever and always. So my lifes mission is to keep you by my side and apart of radiotherapy hearts. I love you please see past this all and love me too.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Losing the one I love

Dear, world.

I Corey Smith can be the biggest idiot. I left a past behind that I was never proud of. A life where I was all about myself in a dark put of demons that controlled me and my every move. I made choices to put me there. I would trade the world to restart this. I would go back to the days at my locker to scared to talk to her. The girl of my dreams.

Somewhere after I turned Into a monster, I ran from all in life that was good. Punished myself for that I know now I could never control. Life wasn't fair to me but that doesn't mean I should have been unfair to you. Somewhere during my life change for the better you came back into it. To show me how much im worth. I doubted so much that a great love with you was possible but I should have known it was true. Instead I lied and went on with life with you. I should have been honest and spared you of more pain. My judgment was cloudy and hurt by past pains. All you've been is great to me through and through. And all I seem to do is screw up my future with you. When this started I never expected you to feel the same way. I never knew love like you've shown me. Thank you once again.

The moral of the story is I really know I need to step up and that I know I can do. I broke your heart and I don't deserve to have you. But I ask that you put this in the past and let me earn your love and trust so I can do what you did for me, love you through and through.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

PS: this may be my last

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


No matter what I do, im a giant fuck up. I try my best to fix my past and make my future better but no I can't seem to do that. I break the one person who understands me and loves me heart. The stupid place I was in when things started. The stupid lack of confidence I had. I can't have your Trust and you don't believe I love you. You are perfect and im scum of the earth. I hoped I could become worthy of you. But I just ended up crashing. I love you and I hope one day you will forgive me. Maybe one day give me the chance to move on with a future with us. I dream of a family with you. I hope that dreams not ruined too. Im sorry, I love you.

The worlds biggest idiot,
Corey Smith

Pot holes

Hey world.
So I've been in a really ruff spot lately. You know when you get stuck in a rut and aren't sure your ever gonna escape it's grasp. Yes that is how I've been feeling. Some may say I have some bad karma others may just bluntly say it's my own fault which truthfully it is. My life, my responsibility.

Anyways, today I spend fingers crossed I get this job and can start soon. It's not just the job but me and my lovely girlfriends future together. I've fucked up enough I don't wanna screw up the thing I care about most in life, which is her. But I pray that some good comes soon before to much darkness falls. Let the clouds be lifted and sun shine through so I may have some guidance and hope to hold onto. She is my one true love and I need this for me, for her and for us. I just wanna move up and ahead to a promising future not a lifeless put of dead dreams and destruction.

So I hope this week turns around for I want to prove im that man.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

True love is worth fighting for no matter what.