Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pot holes

Hey world.
So I've been in a really ruff spot lately. You know when you get stuck in a rut and aren't sure your ever gonna escape it's grasp. Yes that is how I've been feeling. Some may say I have some bad karma others may just bluntly say it's my own fault which truthfully it is. My life, my responsibility.

Anyways, today I spend fingers crossed I get this job and can start soon. It's not just the job but me and my lovely girlfriends future together. I've fucked up enough I don't wanna screw up the thing I care about most in life, which is her. But I pray that some good comes soon before to much darkness falls. Let the clouds be lifted and sun shine through so I may have some guidance and hope to hold onto. She is my one true love and I need this for me, for her and for us. I just wanna move up and ahead to a promising future not a lifeless put of dead dreams and destruction.

So I hope this week turns around for I want to prove im that man.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

True love is worth fighting for no matter what.

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