Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Monday Monday

Good morning world!
Sometimes life begins to feel like Monday morning got put on replay and then looped over to many times. But maybe that's just how winter makes me feel up here in frozen Edmonton, Alberta. I miss having a park to ride and the time I spent shredding outside at castle. Sure I got a mini pipe. But I feel as if I need new inspiration and new challenges. I sure haven't mattered mini yet even with the large array of tricks I have got stomped out here.just kids the trails and banks.the flow and innovative feeling working on lines in the park our street feels. Anyways can't wait for the riot movie and next years season to to shred with you all soon.

Yours truly,
Corey Smith

Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm back!

Good morning, world!

I've been on a hiatus for a bit now, taking time to think and relax. I hope you have all been having a good winter so far. I've learned a few things, like as much as you love something sometimes breaks are a good thing. No I'm not talking about relationship breaks.I'm talking about the kind of break you take from your passions. I took some days off skateboarding and the days and time I came back I felt refreshed, as well as ready to learn new tricks. I don't think I've ever improved so quickly our landed such technical tricks in my whole career ads skateboarder. Sometimes rest and refreshing is the best way to approach the feeling of being blocked from moving ahead in something. If your feeling stuck and like you can't find the steps to move forward, maybe take a step back and breath for a few days or a week. But don't forget to keep that fire close and go back to it when you hit that urge or have found refreshment in your resting period.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Taking time away.

Dear world,
I'm gonna be taking some time away from Blogging and skateboarding. I'm sorry for those of you who enjoyed reading every weekday morning. I'll be back soon enough, just need to take sometime away.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Friday, November 2, 2012

Challenge yourself!

Good morning world!

Fuck thank goodness it's Friday! This week flew by. And now it's finally about to be the weekend. Hope your all excited for relaxation and fun times Fridays tend to bring. Plus snowboard season is almost here!

So I've been thinking about starting a training schedule for the winter. For my Christmas trick list started. Next I'm not sure what to set up on the schedule/plan. There is so much to conquer in the world of skateboarding it's insane. But hey that's why I fucking love it right!

Anyways, I think winters that perfect time to set new goals and conquer them. Especially living in Alberta. What the fuck else do we got besides snowboarding and hockey in the winter!? Nothing really right? Exactly. And this year NHL is in a lockout so let's all get off our asses and do something to benefit ourselves. Take the time to think what you want to grow in. Personal life? Work? Relationships? Whatever it is pick something an when you do. Choose something's to grow and challenge yourself in the subject matter you have chosen. Once you have. For each goal set a date that's realistic and then think hard about what the outcome looks like. Now write it down. For each thing you get done you will see what? When you know that you will feel more motivated to do so. I hope you take the time to challenge yourself and grow this winter with me!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Slept in.

Good morning world!

So I woke up this morning, sent a text and some how passed out for an exact hour. Now I'm on my way to work on the Ice covered roads! Wtf. My hip bloody hurts from bailing last night skating mini. But hope I will make today better! Some how some way.

But hey I got coffee and I'm still alive right. Anyways I will post up the new riot Halloween party video sometime today! Have a good one!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stepping up!

Good morning world!
I just wanna say my prayers are going out to those in new York and the countries that are struggling with the storm that swept through destroying and drowning the homes. Wish you all the best and sorry for your loss.

On a happier subject, last night I landed some new tricks. Been looking for something new to land and I did! I stomped out a blunt pop shovit to rock out switch in my mini at "The Beach"

I really have a feeling this mini pipe is gonna be what makes me hit the charts next year in skateboarding. I have never had such chemistry and innovation come so quickly in skateboarding. But being surrounded by amazing riders that push me to step up and try that "impossible" or what I should say once seemed impossible, but what is now just another step forward in my trick list. So I am starting my Christmas trick list. Everything I want to land b4 Christmas. I hope to post a Christmas trick list video in December. So keep posted!

Have a great hump day! And don't forget the weeks half done!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thinning the herd.

Good morning world!

So I'm learning that sometimes people are not always the person you thought they were. Sometimes friends really don't give a fuck. Sometimes friends put randoms before the people close to them. The world is a fucked up place. But situations and events such as crazy weekends with the riot crew teach/show you who your real friends are.

Sometimes, the herd needs thinning as I once heard in a line off my new favorite show Sons of Anarchy. It's true though. Having to many friends becomes a very big stress load. And yes sure it sucks losing those friends who are close to you over something stupid. But shit happens and I'm learning personally how to let go of people. I'm also learning that it's best to look out for yourself before others alot of the time. It's a sad concept but it's proving to serve me better than sticking by someone who won't stick by you.

Anyways, I hope you all had an epic weekend and an alright Monday. Since Monday's no matter what tend to be the craziest crap day of the week. Stoked for tomorrow it's Halloween and I'm going to get me some candy!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Monday, October 29, 2012

Not much to say

Good morning world!

Sometimes, we fuck shit up. Sometimes we act irrationally and don't think. This weekend I may have done both. I don't know what to say this monday morning. I think all I can do is hope for the best and prepare myself for the worst.

I know that we can't live a perfect life but sometimes don't you wish you could just hit rewind? I sure as hell do. But the other question is would it do anything? Would the outcome be any better? I don't know.

Sorry for not posting much today but I really don't know much more to say.

Keep it real,
Corey Smith

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The mini in process!

Here are some pics of the mini we are building during the process. Hopefully it will be done tonight!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Building towards your dream!

Good morning world!
So last night we officially started our mini pipe building! To be honest I feel like a little boy at Christmas! This is gonna be the sweetest winter ever having a mini pipe to ride in my garage! Not only that we are throwing a knarly fucking Halloween party with a mini pipe competition, how the fuck can you go wrong with that!? You can't.

Anyways, today I want to talk about dreams. I know sometimes life looks like there is no ups coming your way. And sometimes we just lose focus or all motivation. But today I'm telling you to fuck all the shit you got going in life and pause for a second. Take time think about what makes you happy. Think about your dreams and aspirations. Ok you got those in that thick skull? Good. Let's start with this... Take that write it down. Make a little web with it. Yes you all should remember the basics of story writing from school. Now look at the big picture and find the process to making it happen. Here's the thing you need steps and those steps need realistic dates to be done by. If you don't put a time frame with it, well then it will always be a dream. Reality can only be created for almost certain by placing things into effect. Set your goals on your calendar, ones that will place you in position to be a step closer. As you do this you will notice life becomes alot closer to making your dreams a reality. If you don't know what steps to take maybe research how other people developed these dreams to come true.

I spent too many years and days wondering why my life was not following in the steps I wanted it too. Then I decided I was gonna make goals. But yet I still had no time frame which meant there was no clock or structure to be followed but what small idea was in my head. I've been spending time setting goals and dates. Ever since my life has progressively gotten steps, yes multiple steps closer to living my dream as a reality.

Now don't get me wrong not all dreams are possible in this lifetime or in a short term setting but we all know you can make your life what you want it to be. If you say no, then you just defeated yourself and it's no ones fault but your own.

I hope you all try and take steps towards your goals/dreams the way I did. Living life is more then just being in an average situation. It's about enjoying as many moments as you can and making sure that your life was as you wanted it to be, not as some asshole told you it should.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ctv commercial coming soon!

New ctv commercial will be out soon! Here's a picture from the commercial itself!!! Enjoy!

Challenge to trust and try new things!

Good morning world!

After a long 12hr day yesterday it took me over 2 hours to get home! Wowza. Way to start the week!

When good things are told to happen sadly I have started to doubt them... I don't know why I can't seem to block this out and just be excited. It's like the world and people have disappointed me so much in life, I have a permanent caution light blinking in my head. Saying this maybe caution is key to reassuring myself and creating a barrier from disappointment. I know I should trust friends and certain situations yet I still find myself thinking "I'll believe it when I see it" how does one get rid of this way of thinking? Is it bad or is it good? To be honest I have no clue anymore. It's sad how much the world lets us down in a lifetime. But I'm going to be working on how to avoid this way of thinking and learn to trust again. Learn when to be cautious and when to be trusting.

I also want to challenge everyone who reads this to try something new. Take a chance and try to trust your instincts in a new way and new situation. If you normally date douche bags try the nice guy. If you normally only trust family, trust a new friend. If your not comfortable try to find comfort.

New situations prove to help growth and what's life if we don't grow. What's gonna grow if we are never challenged. Today and this week challenge yourself to try something new. Through that we can learn to trust and possibly understand new and unusual situations.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Monday, October 22, 2012

Seb Saturday RIOT video

Hey, its the video i was discussing this morning! A little of hay lakes session! More to be coming from an epic sesh soon! Keep posted for cool new shit!

Good morning Monday!

Good morning everyone!
I had a pretty darn good weekend! If you were in Edmonton I hope you checked out comic con! I went on Sunday it was a pretty epic nerd boner of a time! Wow gotta say I'm glad I didn't empty my wallet there. So much cool stuff to buy and see. Gotta give everyone who dressed up props!! Girls you looked sexy and guys definitely some legit costumes!

Any who, I spent Saturday in hay lakes shredding the unheated indoor skate park with the RIOT crew. Gotta say we have come along way guys! From the first day we all slowly gathered together as a new developing skate team, to now where it's like the coolest family a dude can ask for. My old roomate came with us and he hasn't seen riot since it was first re developing the crew b4 my injury and wow did we ever shock that guy when we dropped our bags n just all started shredding insane lines in a park most of us had never skated. Also gotta give props to Seb for this Seb Saturday video! First one and definitely a good one bro! If you wanna check out the link just comment below and I will not hesitate to post!

So basically I woke up this Monday feeling inspired and full of energy! Which is not a usual for me during the fall. I normally hate this time of the year, yeah I know your all thinking what a grinch. But fuck you it's not Christmas yet assholes lol. Anyways, hope to fucking God this ctv shoot is released soon I'm nervous as fuck to see how it looks. Keep posted for upcoming videos and new stories or inspiring thoughts! Thanks for listening!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Friday, October 19, 2012

New ways of thinking and being.

Good morning world!
I am currently starting to read a book called QBQ it's all about asking the right questions and taking initiative in my own life and my work life. Business is key to success. You don't know how to run things you will forever be walking in someone else's shadow doing work that is always just satisfactory never above and beyond. Idk what this book will bring me but knowledge of new views on how to talk and possibly think. But I hope for the best. Change is always something that creates new opportunity and new ways of thinking. Can't complain about that. Progressing in life is all I thrive for. To take one step forward n no steps back is what I wish my life would be like but come on now let's be realistic life always has its up and downs. Anyways, hope some of you check out the great book of QBQ and the knowledge it brings to be a better person and a better worker. Btw have a great fucking Friday, and an amazing weekend!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Try to ask the right questions, such as what can I do? And what is it I put on the table for others? It's about taking responsibility and offering a hand even when you don't want to or have to do so.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pre winter rant!

What a long day been up since 5:30am n working till now no breaks, no relaxing, no food or coffee! Fml. K well I survived! Guess I can't bitch that much. Does anyone else wanna sacrifice a left nut or a first born child for it to be Friday right now!? I do. Sorry I'm so out there but fuck has it been a long day of bullshit. Some people need to know to shut the fuck up and just work. We dont give a fuck about your weekend, we don't care about your religious fuckin views we just want to get the day done and get paid! Now that I have said all that. Sorry.

So today I woke up in a wonderful mood thinking of how I will entertain myself this winter. Last year I literally just caused shit not even on purpose but I think it was cause I was so annoyed n dead without skateboarding. I call it snow blind insanity. Just makes me become a
Mental terrorist if you will let me
Call it that lol. I piss people off until the snow melts and the sidewalks are finally dry enough to ride on. Then back to the life I love and enjoy. It's funny though cause alot of people are like fuck just go snowboarding. Yeah well it's not that easy, yes snowboarding helps. But fuck no I can't just go through my board down outside n shred pow lol. It's nothing like skateboarding. It last the time I'm rippin and that's it. Skateboarding anytime of the day anywhere except fucking winter!!!! I hope to god I'm not stuck here next winter.

Yours Truly,

Corey Smith

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween is coming!

Good morning world!
I'm feeling a bit better today after yesterday's misfortune. Hope your all having a good week. Hmmm... What to talk about today?... Got it!

So this Halloween I actually decided to pre plan costumes with some friends! You will never guess what awesome idea we all had. We have ordered some pretty epic morph suits! For this of you who don't know what they are, google or YouTube that shit. Straight up the coolest things ever. But ours are even more awesome than the plain regular version. We ordered some old school original power rangers morph suits! Heck yes! I may have just dated myself. But fuck it I'm not that old! I chose the black one! Just seemed ninja like lol. Anywho they should be here in the mail soon. Can't wait to make a skate video in mine!

Anyways, happy hump day! I mean Wednesday! If you got a cool costume don't be afraid to share it through tweet or comment post! Thanks for listening and being apart of my random morning blabber. Hopefully tomorrow I got more to say.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fuck this sucks!

Good afternoon world!
Well I atleast hope yours is better than mine. Woke up sick as can be then went to the bathroom to piss fucking blood. All because I sacked myself trying a 270 nose blunt last night in the garage. Bloody hell I just hope it goes away n I start feeling less like garbage. Anyways, got not much to say today. But I'm gonna go lay down n ponder the thoughts of the woman in my life...

Enjoy the rest of your day and remember don't hurt yourself so bad you pee blood.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Monday, October 15, 2012

Missing the road.

I woke up today missing tour, I just know that's the life that makes me happy. Waking up every morning first thing is skating. Like your not just a person strolling through a life you don't know how you ended up in. You wake up feeling so chill and happy. Somedays stoked, somedays just in a haze of awesome. The peace and the insanity are two things that make me love the life that comes with being a skater. The family you build in a team is something more powerful than any sports team or roomate relationship. Those are the people that push you to move up and hold you from falling back. Miss my bros and the days we spent on the road. I wish for one week I could share the feeling, the passion that comes with the travels and experiences we live through. One day I will make this my life day by day. Never leave my board behind. But today I just go and ride to remember the time and enjoy what I love most. I have to say the two company's I skate for have changed my life and I will never go back to just the ordinary. Thanks, RIOT & Rockstar!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Be there, don't walk away!

Good morning world!
So this weekend I really learned what it is to be there for someone. And I'm not talking about late night booty call type thing. My friend had her bf break up with her. I know what your all thinking, go for the goal!!! No sorry that's not what's on the agenda for this blog post today. I learned that no matter what if you stand up for your friends and be that shoulder you win. The key is to know that the satisfaction of all that you do is happiness and helpfulness.

I spent my weekend drinking with her and going out dancing, which surprisingly I had fun dancing with her.. Anyways, although It was tuff not being dragged into the emotional hole such things bring, after all that we did I realize now I have one of the most amazingly beautiful and awesome friends. That's new to me these days. I grew up having women raise me. Then I spent my whole life chasing and hunting them for fun times, as well as relationships. That was my fuel of my youth. But then again what guy isn't like that. Fucking horn dogs we can be.

Anyways, all I can hope is that through this I helped her cheer up and see the bright side to things. Positivity is key to keeping someone from falling in that ruff whole of darkness. But as I did this I couldn't help think who's gonna be there when and if I ever fall into brokenness. But then I had the realization that it's those who we stand and walk with through the ruff times, that will stand beside us during our hardest moments.

I hope after reading this you stand up for your friends and walk with them even when it's hard to be around there depression. Don't forget they will return the favor to you. So do to others as you wish to be done to/for you.

Have a great Monday! And don't punch your boss in the face, that's my job!

Yours truly,
Corey Smith

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Missing the road.

I woke up today missing tour, I just know that's the life that makes me happy. Waking up every morning first thing is skating. Like your not just a person strolling through a life you don't know how you ended up in. You wake up feeling so chill and happy. Somedays stoked, somedays just in a haze of awesome. The peace and the insanity are two things that make me love the life that comes with being a skater. The family you build in a team is something more powerful than any sports team or roomate relationship. Those are the people that push you to move up and hold you from falling back. Miss my bros and the days we spent on the road. I wish for one week I could share the feeling, the passion that comes with the travels and experiences we live through. One day I will make this my life day by day. Never leave my board behind. But today I just go and ride to remember the time and enjoy what I love most. I have to say the two company's I skate for have changed my life and I will never go back to just the ordinary. Thanks, RIOT & Rockstar!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dreams are made to motivate.

Wow it's Friday! Hope you all had a good week, I'm just on my way to work this mornin thinking about the dreams we have in our sleep. I've been waking up remembering mine for the first time in forever and to be honest it's been really awesome! Yesterday I woke up from a dream of a magazine photo shoot for skateboarding. I can only hope in that dream it was for transworld or concrete powder. Two of my of course favorites! But I realized that those are the dreams we awake from thriving to create a reality of. I will spend the next season battling for this one to come true. This seasons injuries may have slowed my advancement. But yet I experienced the dream n life of touring, not only that but I got to shoot my first tv spot in the upcoming ctv commercial. Small steps to some are large steps to me. Can't believe how never backing down and getting back up gives you the opportunity to wear that crown we fight for. But today is just another day in this crazy thing we call life. Hope something great an amazing happens for all of us this Friday. Cheers everyone have a great fall day and don't forget to enjoy the weekend as if it's the last. Because you never know what's gonna happen next.

Yours truly,
Corey Smith

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Great season!

Hey, I woke up this morning and there was snow on the ground but yet I still was thinking of new tricks to land b4 I'm done this season. Wow time flies, it feels like just the other day we were all on tour having the time of our lives! Definitely gotta say it's been an honor and a pleasure to ride with those who I did this season! You all are amazingly talented mother fuckers. I'm gonna miss the times we shared this year on the pavement during those hot dry and wet days throwing down some of the most insane riding I've seen in my life. Well with that all said, wish you all the best winter and can't wait for next year! To more insane memories and wild trips of riding! See you all then, it's hibernation time!

Yours truly,
Corey Smith

Saturday, October 6, 2012

What will it bring? What does this mean?

Waking up to the aftermath of a Friday, I Woke up after going to bed early. Does this mean I'm getting old? Or just growing up? I woke up this morning not missing a Friday night of insanity. But I remember the days of only living that looking for fun on a Friday to wake up to aftermath Saturday. Some were brutal some were glorious. When did the string get drawn? Flawless or flying I say tonight will bring back everyone of those days to a limitless infinite insanity. Too bad things end when we wake up, having life to bring us back.

Anyways, just felt like I need to have fun cause it's been to long. So well see how tonight goes? Is it hookers and blow. Or hail and snow? Well see when the morning foresees the story that will lay. Down them till the end!


Friday, October 5, 2012

One foot in!

Good morning world!
TGIF! I can't believe how much the world looks forward to Fridays! I wish we could all say we look forward to Monday's but sadly we don't all live in some dream world with the perfect life. I remember the Monday I woke up on Tour it was a beautiful day! Waking up knowing that I was more stoked than any Monday of my life! But after the glory of life and skatin ends for my season I wake up to the Monday's I hate most. Early morning of a job I don't enjoy and a life I wonder how I ended up back in. Isn't living supposed to be about fun and enjoying yourself!? Then how do we get stuck here so unhappy 5 days a week. I say fuck it let's quit this life we don't enjoy and step up to taking one more step forward to the life we wanna live/love. I challenge you this weekend to live it up and next week to put a foot in the door of happiness! Have a good thanks giving and don't forget to do something for you n those around you!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Days in life

Hello, world.
I've been waking up all week a little lost, feeling played and used. I spent the last year of my life chasing my dreams and working my ass off at my daytime job. But the second one thing went wrong from chasing my dreams. My daytime got punished for taking the chance in living a life few to none ever do. But yet I still keep my fire burning and my dreams alive. From here on in my question to the apparent higher power I hear people speak of is.. "is this worth it? Or do I give up and move on?" but fuck idk if I can move on. My heart steers me straight into this dream, this life. I don't think I can give up the dream. But will it ever be a full filled reality?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Where is my true smile?

I remember the days when life was a blur, and we knew it was spring cause we started to drink everything and party everywhere. I feel like age didn`t slow me down but just choices we make and changes we take. I wake up everyday feeling like the smiles are another life away. Sure I smile and sure life is not at the end so I need to be happy as some people say. But the truth is fuck that. We grieve to heal and sometimes shit sucks so we get off our asses and make it better. I just wonder what is the change and when will I find the good days again. I keep fighting for the happiness I know is true but just dont know how to find it other than on my board. Maybe after I leave to BC to film for RIOT all will come together for me. I just feel like my accident threw me down and left me in the dust trying to fix the ruts.

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

Keep it real and don`t let others tell you what to think or feel.

Corey Smith-Popshovit foot plant hand shov mani!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The naked man.

So my roomate New roomate n his gf were in the shower when I got home from a concert tonight. Was so ready to drop trow n pull the naked man on them. But figured might be too early since he just moved in today lol. Maybe next time. But I'll definitely let you all know if I pull it on em. Rofl. My other roomate said texted me back when I mentioned I might n said "Do it!" bet he's gonna bug me for bitching out even though I know he doesn't have the balls to do it lol.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Motivate Get Gold!

Hey, just was thinking that if we all motivated n helped progress our neighbors n friends we'd live a happier life. So if you wanna start the movement! Hop on board and get golden!

Goof ballin it!

So I may have problem but heck atleast I know how to be creative and have fun :P

About to have roomates

Wow, so I've lived on my own for a while now and I love it. But I've always been the one who is down to try new things 2 boarders and a filmer in my one bedroom apartment for a month then out we go to move into a bigger place. But honestly I'm scared I'm gonna hate it or go insane. But maybe I'll love it and out of this will come something great. There two awesome friend but both of which I haven't known for long. Will I survive without regret? Or will I snap n wish I didn't choose this situation? Hopefully everything works out. I mean I can see a YouTube show coming out of this go gong show were creating!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wtf government!

Wtf is the government thinking when they take someone's kid who does there all for he. Cause she is in school n they think that's not a good environment for her daughter! Some people need to learn blood parents n family in general is so important. And im saying that as a kid who came from a very broken family. But hey I can still see that. Fuckin government bullshit I think!

Smiles kill frowns and downs

I came into this world with more than little complications. Now I stand strong and follow my heart. But a few weeks past my life flashed b4 me as I remember a snap an my foot was gone. Some may think ouch and I'm thinking why now! I followed my dreams and this could be the end? Nah, I decided today nothing stops me. If you want it you will find it. Skateboarding it's what I love and making it happen is what I want. So no matter what we face in life. Trials, turbulations, and the pain the anger. You can find a way to stand up for yourself and live your own shangralah of life. So I hope when I get back riding my story of life and trials is one to inspire those around me.

Corey Smith

Making history!

So stoked that today was ours to make history and solidify our lives in the art of a photograph. Life been recorded by words and pictures. Today we?demolished an old life to further a new one with friends and family. Just glad that we are a team.

Shout out to RIOT skate & snow!
Thanks, itsyourphoto! Rockstar! And the rest of the cast and crew! Love you all!
-Corey Smith

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kickin It Fresh

Hahaha OK! So last night, were all hanging out after a movie and decided that Chelsea now my personal stylist is gonna do and my friend Kayla's hair. So I was like well I will trust you to do whatever you want with it... First thing she does is! CUTS A BIG CHUNK OUT OF MY HAIR AND LAUGHS! lol and of course me being me I let her keep going. But after that she made it look awesome and we ended up dying my hair. When I woke up this morning I have purple messy spiky hair and a beard... Now what am I supposed to do but embrace it and be a badass! lol. Sometimes you just gotta make something epicly funny into epicly awesome! And today I have been learning if you live with a smile on your face and you walk step by step with composure n look people in the face, nothing can stop you from being on top of the world :)

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today and the last few days I've been really learning from friends and life itself that the greatness is helping people and positivity more than personal wealth n gain. Hope to start helping n being more positive to those around me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Skate Video

This all reminds me of why I love the flow feeling of riding my board. I took alot of time to learn and finally I feel like im developing into something more than average. But every day I have doubts even as I sit here and type as the sirens flood my streets bringing sounds of gloom through my dim lit window. Thanks though to skateboarding I can find peace and pleasure in lifes beauty. I hope you all enjoy the video and keep in touch for the double decker skate sesh's comingout with the big 2 board lines!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday sunday Sunday

Sometimes the days we spend all cuddle up at home under the warm blankets watching movies and relaxing to music gives us a time of refreshment/restoration of the body mind and soul. The off season when I finally have time to endure in these moments I find they can pull us through what sometimes we call life's dull moments. Also just something to bring us back to normality in life's schedule of insanity and clutter. Just gotta keep reminding myself to take time and enjoy the simple moments as a relax movie Sunday.


Somedays waking up to the sound of the wind blowing gently passed my window and the vehicles passing through the street below, I often think about what my purpose on this planet is. Does existance mean more than the simple fact of breathing... My inner most emotions and deepest thoughts tell me yes, there is more to life and existance than breathing one breathe at a time. But yet I still find myself struggling to understand the greater purpose of my existance. Today, I dream of the time the concrete dries and sun blazes its rays down. Just so I can hop back on my skateboard and feel at peace. I often find that winter can bring time of thought and meditation. But now that the new year is here all I can think of is riding and whats coming this year. New year brings new opportunity and times of change, So I hope this year I can move forward and approach the new opportunity with great success. But only time will tell what story is in store for me in 2012.