Monday, October 15, 2012

Be there, don't walk away!

Good morning world!
So this weekend I really learned what it is to be there for someone. And I'm not talking about late night booty call type thing. My friend had her bf break up with her. I know what your all thinking, go for the goal!!! No sorry that's not what's on the agenda for this blog post today. I learned that no matter what if you stand up for your friends and be that shoulder you win. The key is to know that the satisfaction of all that you do is happiness and helpfulness.

I spent my weekend drinking with her and going out dancing, which surprisingly I had fun dancing with her.. Anyways, although It was tuff not being dragged into the emotional hole such things bring, after all that we did I realize now I have one of the most amazingly beautiful and awesome friends. That's new to me these days. I grew up having women raise me. Then I spent my whole life chasing and hunting them for fun times, as well as relationships. That was my fuel of my youth. But then again what guy isn't like that. Fucking horn dogs we can be.

Anyways, all I can hope is that through this I helped her cheer up and see the bright side to things. Positivity is key to keeping someone from falling in that ruff whole of darkness. But as I did this I couldn't help think who's gonna be there when and if I ever fall into brokenness. But then I had the realization that it's those who we stand and walk with through the ruff times, that will stand beside us during our hardest moments.

I hope after reading this you stand up for your friends and walk with them even when it's hard to be around there depression. Don't forget they will return the favor to you. So do to others as you wish to be done to/for you.

Have a great Monday! And don't punch your boss in the face, that's my job!

Yours truly,
Corey Smith

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