Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thinning the herd.

Good morning world!

So I'm learning that sometimes people are not always the person you thought they were. Sometimes friends really don't give a fuck. Sometimes friends put randoms before the people close to them. The world is a fucked up place. But situations and events such as crazy weekends with the riot crew teach/show you who your real friends are.

Sometimes, the herd needs thinning as I once heard in a line off my new favorite show Sons of Anarchy. It's true though. Having to many friends becomes a very big stress load. And yes sure it sucks losing those friends who are close to you over something stupid. But shit happens and I'm learning personally how to let go of people. I'm also learning that it's best to look out for yourself before others alot of the time. It's a sad concept but it's proving to serve me better than sticking by someone who won't stick by you.

Anyways, I hope you all had an epic weekend and an alright Monday. Since Monday's no matter what tend to be the craziest crap day of the week. Stoked for tomorrow it's Halloween and I'm going to get me some candy!

Yours Truly,
Corey Smith

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