Sunday, June 16, 2013

A story of pegasus and little mermaid

Once upon a time there was a blonde blue eyed prince who saw a brunette princess in his dance class. Their paths crossed when it was their turn to dance which quickly made them realizes this will not be the last time they dance together. As they went their separate ways the grew to care for other people but deep down knew those loves weren't forever. One evening as the princess was having dinner her prince appeared out of no where and she knew it was the right time to reconnect with her long lost prince. To her disadvantage he was busy with life but still managed to keep some form of communication. Her heart grew cold of sadness putting up a wall and only allowing her one true prince to come and knock it down. She gave him the opportunity to come to her event to hope there may still be love left but he unfortunately did not show due to the wicked witch of the west cast an evil spell on him. Once he broke free of that evil spell he asked her to join him at a night full of friends and laughter to celebrate the green holiday they call St. Patrick's Day which they quickly realized it will be a night they could never forget. Although the princess was cautious and had doubt of her decision she took a chance and allowed her long lost prince to sweep her off her feet knocking down that wall and they lived happily ever after!

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